Best Day Of My Life:)

Best Day Of My Life:)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Week Two of FF

This week in my Family Foundations class, we have been focusing on the second paragraph of The Family, which states, "All human beings-male and female- are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." What got me thinking about this paragraph was how incredible it is to know that each of us was given a 'divine destiny, identity, and purpose' to create and fu-fill while on this earth. I keep trying to figure out what I am supposed to be doing here and why and I think that is something that we all won't completely understand or figure out until we leave this earth. God has created us for a specific reason and we are supposed to figure out what that reason is in order to accomplish what we are asked to accomplish. That is kind of the fun of it I think; like the Prophets and scriptures say, we have a divine potential and that divine potential is going to bless us if we use it the right way. 

As the week continued on we started getting into the subject of gender roles and why God created males and females and as I was continuing to write on the discussion boards, I came across someone that had written something about same sex marriage. Now I am not going to say anything about whether I approve or not, because that isn't the point of this post and it isn't my business to judge someone's use of agency the way they want to; the point is to let everyone and myself know that God created everyone for a reason, despite of where they came from and where they are going, God created each of us in HIS OWN IMAGE. He took traits from himself and our Heavenly Mother and mixed them together:) to make someone that He knew was going to make a difference (in some way) to the world and the people around them. God has made it so that we can do anything and that we have the power to cease control and do what He has asked us to do. We are powerful human beings and knowing that we can be anything and do anything we want is a pretty awesome thing to be blessed with.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Two Years Later

So here we are, two years later, two years wiser (not really), and a lot has changed. I'll start with a storybook update. Since 2013, I moved back to Idaho to continue my education at Brigham Young University-Idaho and it has been a great experience thus far. I am currently majoring in Dance, hopefully being able to teach at a university someday. I haven't decided exactly on what part of the dance world I want to teach to college kids (dance history, kinesiology, modern), but I guess I will worry about that when I graduate. As for the cute picture you see above you, I did get married. Even though I got married in January, I still like to consider us newlyweds because it still feels like we just got married yesterday. Let me introduce you to my husband. Meet Brent! He is 6"8:) and full of life and love. We did meet up here at school on a blind date and it was quite the experience (long story), but I could not be happier with this hunk from Washington. He is my one and only, my best friend, my eternal companion, and my light. He is majoring in Mechanical Engineering and since I am his wife, I have a right to brag about how smart this guy is. He is a genius and I could not be more proud of what he has accomplished in his 20 years he has been on this earth. We got married January 3, and I have never been happier. I love him and I cannot wait to experience life and eternity with this man.

Well that is us in a literal nutshell. On to the real reason of this post. This semester in my college experience, I am taking a course called Family Foundations that is not only a requirement to graduate, but it is also a religion class that deals with the teachings of The Family: A Proclamation To The World. I have been given an assignment to keep a blog throughout the semester that is based off of articles and talks that I read. I am required to write about insights I have on the readings, feelings I get when I read them, and anything else that I feel obligated to write about. So you are more than welcome to read this, but don't feel like you have to. This is merely for me as a way to the pass the class:) and to also provide opinions and feelings that I say when I read my assignments. I will write a post each week explaining what I read and what I took from it. Feel free to give your opinions and insights (if you choose to). I would LOVE to hear them and I know that other people would to. I will write a new post each Sunday, which I am hoping will be easier in having the Spirit be a part of my writing and so feel free to read and comment at your own will.:) I am hoping that this blog will give me guidance into my future life and I hope that it may bring you some guidance and structure as well. Thank you so much and I will see you all on Sunday:))