Best Day Of My Life:)

Best Day Of My Life:)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Small and Fast Update

Hello friends!
I know it has been forever since our last talk, but things have been a little crazy over here. So first things first Omaha was an absolute blast. I was there for about two weeks and it was so much fun. I got to spend lots of time with my sister and her family. I loved having Emma and Lucy all to myself:) Sorry Kass! Usually when Kassidy enters the room Emma doesn't want anything to do with anyone except Kassidy and so I took great advantage of having Emma at my hip 24/7. Lucy it took a little longer just because she is only 1 and she is most definitely a mammas girl. It took about a week before Lucy warmed up to me and would actually let me hold her. After that it just got better and better each day. I also got to spend some alone/sister time with Chelsea. We went to The Lucky One and Snow White and the Huntsman and had some girl talks. She is definitely a role model I look up to. She is abolutely amazing and I couldn't ask for a better sister. The weather was fabulous. I don't like the humidity so much, but the warmth was great. Perfect weather for me minus the humidity. As for the 17 hour drive to Idaho Falls:/ now that was difficult. The first ten hours were actually not too bad, but once we hit about the 13 hour I was starting to get tired, smelly, and anxious. The girls did very well though considering being in those car seats for so long. By the time we hit Pocatello, Lucy was very very tired and grumpy. She screamed for the last hour home, but thank goodness it was only an hour. Good luck to Chelsea and Justin on driving back home. Props to you guys because I don't know if I could do it again. So now Chelsea is here in Idaho Falls for a month until they have to go to Boise to pick up Justin. He is taking the bar exam and after that he will be an official district attorney. Good luck Justin you are going to rock. I am so happy that Chelsea and the girls are here. I haven't had this much time to spend with them since a year ago. It feels so good to have the family together. If only Colter was here then it would officially be completed. I miss you so much, but I know he is doing fabulous in Colorado.  Anyway those are the updates for now on the family. Now it is time for the 4th of July. I don't know about you guys, but I love the 4th of July mostly because of the big firework show displayed each year at the Greenbelt. BEST THING EVER! I am so excited to see them again. I don't know if it's possible, but I swear each year they get better and better and last years were amazing and so we will have to see. Also it is my first time in years that I will be going to the parade. We are mostly going for the two little ones:) but I am sure it will still be fun. Well new posts will be happening today and throughout the week. Lots of news and updates!:)

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