Best Day Of My Life:)

Best Day Of My Life:)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend!

Omaha bound tomorrow everyone! Can you say I am a little excited? Excitement is definitely an understatement! I have not seen my sister and her family in a year! Yes I am super excited!

Well my family came to see me this last weekend. It was awesome being able to see my mom, dad, and little sister. They came and not only graciously moved all my things home, but they also came and spent the long weekend with me and my aunt. The weekend consisted of relaxing and watching movies (The Iron Lady and Joyful Noise) and having some quality time with the fam. It was a lot of fun to see them. I will see them in about 2 weeks and so sadly I don't really miss them right now. Hehe:) Sorry family, but I will see you soon along with a few others:)

So I was sitting here watching an episode of one of my favorite TV shows (Law and Order SVU) since I am stuck in the house with no car today and I was thinking about how awesome/scary it would be to be a cop. With my dad being a fireman and my uncle being a cop for most of their lives it has always been in the back of my mind to have a career like that. How cool it would be, but then again I think about how scared and afraid I would be to have to face criminals and such. If I truly would be willing to put my life on the line for someone? I mean of course I would do anything for my family no doubt or question about it, but sometimes it is different in other situations. That's why I am so grateful for Memorial Day. It is a day that I will always remember because it gives me the chance to think about everyone that has willingly given their lives for our freedom. What an amazing group of people to look up to. How blessed we are. We need to all have this thought of appreciation for those that have served for our country. We owe it to them for their courage and bravery! Please take a moment to really think about those that have fought for our freedom.

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