Best Day Of My Life:)

Best Day Of My Life:)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What Fitness Does 4 Me:)

So as most of you know, I am insane when it comes to fitness! With being built more muscular and having bulkier legs it has always been hard for me to feel good about myself not only in the dance world, but also just in general! I have always wanted the really skinny legs, but with genetics that just didn't happen with me! As I continue my journey of losing weight, I felt it was necessary for me to get a personal trainer! It definitely has been worth the money and he has taught me a lot of things that I did not know even with the unlimited amount of research I have done! Fitness and nutrition are things that I want to continue to learn about because I want to hopefully one day have a career in the health department! Fitness has made me realize how much food can bring someone down to their worst self! It is so easy to turn to that big tub of ice cream when you are feeling down and you don't realize just how badly you are affecting your body with empty calories and non-nutrient waste! I learned it is good to have a treat once in a while, but take the treat in moderation; don't make it an everyday thing! I also learned something interesting! I always thought it was about exercise, but boy was I wrong:) The key to health is 20% exercise and 80% nutrition! Its all about what goes into your body! So PLEASE take care of your body! It definitely took me a long time to realize what I needed to do in order to keep myself healthy! I have learned that I can make myself look my personal best without having the constant feeling of, "I will never be that skinny," or "I hate the way my body looks." I'm still in the process of learning to love my body, but it will take some time for sure:)

This weight loss journey is taking a long time to fulfill, but I know it will be worth it in the end. I work with my personal trainer three days a week and he kills me every time. I love going to the gym and having the feeling of satisfaction and of course that skinny self feeling! It not only helps me in my weight loss process, but the gym gives me time to think! It is my time that I give to myself everyday and I always look forward to it! I also recently started a meal replacement shake called Isagenix that I have recently fell in love with! Each shake gives me my full amount of minerals and nutrients and best of all, it's satisfying and delicious! I can have one shake and feel full until the next meal! I eat two shakes a day and have one meal! The shake gives me loads of energy along with my nutrients and minerals! My cousin told me about it and after knowing he lost 25 pounds, I instantly jumped at trying it! The shake is simple; I add:


2 scoops of Isagenix Vanilla mix (I like Vanilla and 2 scoops equals one serving)
1/2 cup of water
1/2 frozen fruit (I have tried Raspberries, Blueberries, and Strawberries so far; each are delicious)
Ice cubes (depending on how thick you want your shake determines how many ice cubes! I love mine Frosty style so I add about 7-8 ice cubes)

Its simple and easy and delicious! It has made me feel so good and so full and I love it! I want you all to tell yourselves right now that you all can live healthy lives! We don't have to deprive ourselves of the foods we love! We can still eat them, just more wisely! Everyone should love their bodies and how they feel! It is so important to love your bodies! You should have the confidence to take each day with determination and not let anyone or anything get in your way! Tell yourself right now you love your body and that you will always love your body! I promise it will help you so much in life! Have a great day everyone and hope you tell yourself you love yourself!:)

1 comment:

  1. I have the same issues! I have big, bulky legs. I know I was born with a muscular body, but it still doesn't help me feel any better about it. I have found that with me, it FOR SURE is more about nutrition than exercise....because I exercise a lot. I have slacked off a lot over the summer, so thanks for the motivation! I'm ready to get fit again :)!
